Faith Promise 2023

Faith Promise Pledge


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Make my Faith Promise Pledge


Sara’s Story

A female student from India named Sara came to a Christmas dinner celebration.

In 2020 she moved to stay with her aunt in SoCal due to the pandemic, and there she struggled with a medical issue. She “struck the lowest point” and “lost all hope.” But that is when her sister, who had recently become a Christian, reached out to pray with her, and her aunt’s Christian friend reached out to minister to her. Her aunt’s friend also introduced her to some sermons on Youtube. Sara came to a sudden realization of God while watching a sermon. The following is an excerpt from her testimony:

“All of a sudden I realized; it’s all true, God is real, he exists, he is alive!!! My heart and my head had this very sudden, eye-opening moment. With my mouth full of breakfast I just started crying with the realization of God’s existence. God revealed himself to me at that very moment.

After that, I was praying to the God I believed in, and I have experienced him and his amazing love in so many ways since. The miracles that happened and continue to happen in my life are so unimaginable, so inexplicable that nothing can explain them other than God’s presence itself. God chose me, he opened my heart to him, he chose to take me as his daughter, and I feel so blessed and loved. His amazing grace changed my life.”

Leslie’s Story

Leslie is a single mom who works as a hairstylist. Her business was significantly impacted because of the COVID-19 pandemic, so earlier this year Venture partner, Danny Sanchez, connected her to Venture’s COVID Response Team. Danny works locally in the Bay Area on youth violence prevention.

Because of your help, we were able to assist Leslie financially, but we also connected her with a Venture member, who followed up for prayer and conversations. In the course of those conversations, Leslie made a commitment to follow Christ, and invited Him into her life!

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