Get Help / Marriage



Grow stronger marriages

We want to equip you with the best possible tools so you can have the intimate, secure, and pleasurable marriage experience God intended. Venture offers premarital couple’s coaching, life coaching, and a community for those who want to build a stronger marriage and overcome challenges.  

Premarital Group Coaching Class

Whether you’re planning a wedding at Venture or in another location, engaged couples can find guidance to start and build a strong marriage in a safe, fun, and authentic environment. We will address questions & challenges from a biblical perspective.

Venture’s Premarital Group Coaching Class begins Sunday, Feb 2, 2025, and will run for eight weeks, ending March 23, 2025.
Sundays, 11am, Room 226

Class Includes:
– Large group teaching time.
– Small group discussion time with a trained Biblical coach.

You are welcome whether you attend Venture or another church or don’t attend church.

Life Coaching

Venture offers Life Coaching for couples going through relational challenges. Our authorized coaches are not therapists, but will come alongside you to help find and address the underlying issues and move forward with your relationship. 

Venture Marriage

Venture Marriage is a relational community where marriages are becoming peaceful, safe, connected, and empowered. Since we believe God designed marriage to be the most intimate, secure, pleasurable, and permanent relationship a man and woman can have on this side of heaven, we want to help your marriage thrive! 

In this community, you’ll find 

  • Classes throughout the year on inspiring topics.
  • Table discussions that grapple with everyday problems and solutions.
  • New ideas and practical tools for marital success and restoration.

Fall Semester Starts on September 22

Sundays, Sundays, 12:30 – 2:30 pm

Room 300

* Light lunch available

*Childcare provided through 5th grade