If you have elementary-aged children and above, MOMSnext is for you!

We are a community of mothers who are parenting elementary-aged children into adulthood. We connect through fellowship, learning, and friendship as we share our similar struggles and triumphs of motherhood. We provide a welcoming atmosphere where women can come experience how God’s love can change your walk as a mother as we learn from experienced, knowledgeable speakers.

Our first meeting is September 22, 2023.

(See our full calendar below.)

We meet on varying Fridays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Please e-mail Candace Branche, the coordinator, at [email protected] with any questions. 

MOMSnext is for women with children older than kindergarten. Please see our MOPS page if you only have children younger than kindergarten. If MOMSnext is your correct group, please click “Register” to continue the registration process.