Global Outreach / Middle East
Middle EAST
Spreading hope in a tumultuous region
The Middle East is faced with inflation, political and social challenges, displaced people, as well as disillusionment with the region’s predominant religion. Yet, in the midst of the turmoil, the Spirit of the Lord is at work, bringing hope. To protect our partners on-the-ground, we can only share the nature of the work, not locations or names that would put their people at risk.
Our Partners & Work in The Middle East
One Venture partner leads a network of trainers who help start Discovery Bible study groups, meeting primarily in homes. There are now over 28,000 groups meeting in 15 countries, including countries that are officially “closed” to Gospel activity.
Another partner creates content with social media views in the millions. Venture recently helped them purchase and renovate a building that will house a studio for creating media content.
In 2022 we budgeted $78,000 for humanitarian aid in the Middle East, and sent another $15,000 from our COVID fund. Partners distribute the aid in Jesus name, and are able to have many meaningful Gospel conversations.